Saturday 27 September 2014

To remove writer's block , tips from Dr zuhana zain

1. You kena buat outline of what you want to write.
Eg: on theory.
Write the main ideas..
The major proponents  of xxxx theory are yyyyy... ( the references)..
As a reader, kita nak tahu apa yg u faham dgn theory tersebut. Dan bagaimana ia digunakan dlm your contexts of study.

So that are your focus:
1. Descriptions of tbe theory
2. Theory in your context.

So you write the outline.
1. Descriptions
     A) xxxxxxxxx
     B) yyyyyyyyyy
     C) zzzzzzzzzzz
      Etc etc etc..

2. How are they being used in rhe context of your study
A. ........
B ..........
C. ......... etc etc etc..

Bila dah complete. .then you write...

When you write the first time, REMEMBER. .to just write..jgn edit,  jgn revise. .

Continue writing till the end. Then you reread and start revise the content dulu. .then baru edit.

BUT...YOU MUST DO THE OUTLINE. without it, you will suffer from writer's block even more the end..tak menulis atau menulis tapi mcm org sesak nafas..i.e mcm lagu awie..bernafas dlm lumpur

But you cannot do this without sufficient reading

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