Friday 19 September 2014

For writing

utk tulis kena fahami isi yg ada dulu.plan mcm mana nk tulis.tutup yg asal supaya x tiru dah. then boleh tulis guna ayat kita sendiri.dgn kefahaman dan intepretasi kita terhadap teks asal 😬


Another research carried out by Fauzia, Farah, and Nadia (2012) found a positive realtionship between a teacher’s efficiency with job performance . The research also found that in secondary schools, female teachers have higher level of efficiency compared to male teachers. Besides, teachers with more experience in teaching and have higher level of academic background have higher self efficiency. The research also found out that female students are seen to be more concerned of their teachers’ performance compared to male students. Students who came form familiies with high source of income tend to look down upon their teachers’ performances.
Chi Wu (2011) research found that job stress have connections with job perfo
my opinion, lack of focus. kejap talk about students' perception on teacher's performance..kejap ckp psl factors on self efficiency

Itulah isu cohesion. Ideanya bercapah2. Sampai tak tahu dia nak sampaikan apa2. Kalau perempuan lbh perforn, so why?

Sbb itu pada akhirnya tahap kesarjanaan letaknya pada analitikal. Analitikal ini pula ditempiaskan dlm tulisan. Jadi tulisan itu cerminan minda akhirnya. Ia memberi gambaran sebenar wajah pemikiran kita. Jadi jgn sebarangan menulis, dan jgn menulis sebarangan

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