Tuesday 9 September 2014

Technology-Enhanced Learning.

EXAMPLE: Mobile Apps, Tablet Computing, Game-based Learning, Learning Analytics, Contex-Aware adaptive, Personalized mobile learning, social computing for learning, intelligent toy enhanced learning, 3D virtual world, learnng forlearners with disabilities…

1.Computer & Education = Elsevier
2. Internal journal of computer-spported collaborative learning = Springer
3. British Journal of Educational Technolog = Wiley
4. Australian Journal of educatinal Technology = ASCILITE
5. Journal of computer assisted learning = Wiley
6. Interactive learning enironment = Routiedge
7. Educational Technology Research and Development = AECT
 8. The internet and Higher Education = Elsevier
 9. Journal of Educational Technology and Society = ETS
10. Computer Assisted Language Learning = Routliedge
11. Journal of Science, Education and Technology = Springer
12. IEEE Transaction and Learning Technologies = IEEE

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