Wednesday 20 August 2014


Assalamualaikum and Hi to all,

This blog is dedicated to all who are embracing your postgraduate studies (Masters or PhD).

I need a place to remind me of what i have read and retrieve them when i need to use them . But at the same, time, other people can also read them too. This blog is just a simple knowledge sharing tool that i can possibly create (with my limited knowledge in IT)

All notes are related to my Phd journey (motivational quotations, notes, experience etc).

Please share and use the knowledge, hopefully we will be able to be a real graduate - dunia and akhirat.

Happy reading!

P.s : I can be contacted at for possible knowledge sharing session or research publication collaboration.

My research interest :
e-learning, problem based learning, social media learning, crowdsourcing, business and management.

Subjects taught : Critical Thinking, Study skills, Global Management, Psychology .

Specialization in using:
Atlas.ti software for literature review and qualitative (a trainer).
SEM-AMOS / PLS / HLM (Intermediate level)

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