Wednesday 20 August 2014


Many people have difficulties to combine what they have read into a single paragraph.
Dr OT , Othman Talib 's facebook he recommended the following strategy.
For example:
Context 1 – multimedia and learning style
Albert (2009) - "multimedia software has to accommodate students’ different styles of learning..."
Context2 – animation in teaching
Black (2007) - "Computer animation is highly potential in creating a sense of fun in learning..."
Context3 – Computer software and cognitive aspect
Charles (2010) - "Current interactive computer software are constructed based on cognitive multimedia theory ...."
Context4 - Computer software and constructivism theory
Don (2009) - "Multimedia learning is developed based on theory of constructivism...."
Context5 – 3D dalam pengajaran sains
Eugine (2008) - "The 3D surrounding creates an opportunity for visualization, interaction and exploration in understanding abstract concepts such as science concepts...."

5  papers à combine into one single paragraph:

The development of multimedia is now a need in the teaching of science. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the use of multimedia in teaching still poses doubts in terms of students understanding. Previous researches have suggested the need for the multimedia to be equipped with interactive 3D animation (Eugine, 2009; Charles, 2010 & Black, 2007) and takes into consideration the students’ style of learning (Albert, 2009) which is based on the the constructivist theory (Don, 2009).

He said :
Apakah maksdunya semua ini?
Ini bermaksud…. bila baca berbagai artikel… jgn fening dulu dgn context kajian yang berbeza-beza…. Fahami secara menyeluruh dan boleh di cite artikel2 ini jika konsepnya sama dgn kajian yang ko nak jalankan !!

Jadi jgn takut2…. tulis jer.... biar berdesup-desup !!

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