Sunday 24 August 2014

Conceptual papers

This post i translated from Dr OT's blog .

Conceptual paper is an indepth analysis on a fresh idea which often infuses inquiry, controversy , opinion, argument , discussions from multiple perspectives and school of thoughts. Hoever, certain paper is no longer valid to be called as conceptual paper (e.g ICT in education) the topic is no longer "fresh" / novel.

Step 1: Preparing a conceptual paper requires a writer to master a "fresh" / "new" area, particularly on the selection of the topic. The topic must have a reseach gap that has a sense of urgency for discussion / debate which only can be materialised through intensive readings. As always, journals remain the main source of reference.

Preparing a conceptual paper , indirectly tests your ability to understand about the uniqueness of your research gap and your ability to discuss issues related to the gap from multiple perspectives.

For example:

When searching the phrases "“learn anywhere anytime"

The possible papers are such as:

a. Standing at the Crossroads: Mobile Learning and Cloud Computing
b. Mobile application for mobile learning – A new learning theory?
c. Will mobile application really influence mobile learning?
d. From e-learning to m-learning: Moving Beyond “No Significant Difference”

Another form of conceptual paper can be done via "meta analysis"….which review previous literiture (for the last 5-10 years) and the issue is still "hot" to be debated.

a. A Meta-analysis of educational computer games as learning tools in e-learning.
b. An application of ICT in classroom: Differences Across Problem Types,
Implementation Types, Disciplines, and Assessment Levels
c. Internet-based learning in science education: a meta-analysis.

SO, why not you publish your own conceptual paper even if you haven't started with your research (collecting data etc).

OT - blog drotspss....


Malay version

Uji keunikan “research gap” dan penguasaan “literature review” dgn concept paper

Kertas kerja konsep (concept paper) adalah analisis “mendalam” sesuatu idea yang masih fresh dan boleh mengundang persoalan / kontroversi / pendapat / argument / diskusi dari pelbagai sudut / school of thought. Tajuk seperti “ICT in education …” tidak sesuai utk concept paper kerana sudah “tidak fresh” lagi.

Penyediaan concept paper menuntut anda menguasai dgn baik tajuk “fresh” yang dipilih, khususnya isu yang dipilih. Anda perlu mencari satu research gap yang ada urgency utk dibahaskan dari pembacaan literature yang intensif. Sebagaimana research paper, journal tetap menjadi rujukan utama perbincangan.

Menyediakan kertas kerja konsep secara tidak lansung menguji pemahaman anda terhadap keunikan research gap kajian anda serta kemampuan anda mengupas isu berkaitan dgn research gap tersebut secara kritis dari perbagai perspektif.

Ambil contoh isu kemunculan mobile learning yang menggunakan tag “learn anywhere anytime”, satu extension baru kepada e-learning yang boleh dikupas dari pelbagai sudut. Mungkin dgn contoh tajuk2 berikut, akan memberi anda idea apa yang diperlukan bagi concept paper…

Contoh tajuk:
a. Standing at the Crossroads: Mobile Learning and Cloud Computing
b. Mobile application for mobile learning – A new learning theory?
c. Will mobile application really influence mobile learning?
d. From e-learning to m-learning: Moving Beyond “No Significant Difference”

Satu lagi bentuk concept paper adalah berbentuk "meta analysis"….yang ini lebih kepada membuat satu kesimpulan atau review dari gabungan kajian terdahulu (katakan for the last 5 years) dalam isu yang "masih panas" dibahaskan.... dgn menganalisis puluhan artikel dalam tajuk yang saling berkaitan utk memberi satu kupasan dan penilaian semula hasil dari analisis dapatan dan teori dari artikel2 terdahulu tersebut. Contoh tajuk yang sesuai spt:

a. A Meta-analysis of educational computer games as learning tools in e-learning.
b. An application of ICT in classroom: Differences Across Problem Types,
Implementation Types, Disciplines, and Assessment Levels
c. Internet-based learning in science education: a meta-analysis.

Dari tajuk2 di atas, anda boleh memikirkan tajuk yang sesuai dalam kajian anda sendiri,..... jadi mengapa tidak mencuba menerbitkan concept paper sementelahan kajian belum bermula dan tiada sebarang dapatan kajian lagi.

OT - blog drotspss....

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