Thursday 12 March 2015

Cleaning data set

Cleaning data set in SPSS

Skewness and kurtosis

Multivariate outlier (mahanalobis distance) SEM - AMOS

Model fit during a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in AMO
This is a model fit exercise during a CFA in AMOS demonstrates how to build a good looking model, and then address model fit issues, including modification indices and standardized residual covariances.  also discuss briefly the thresholds for goodness of fit measures

Outlier (mahanalobis distance)

Plugin EFA and CFA data in amos 18

IBM Help discusses this error but isn't that helpful.
In practice, I've seen this error come up a number of times. It can occur because you have incorrectly specified a variable as latent that you wanted to be observed. However, more commonly, it is the result of giving an inappropriate variable to a latent variable. Specifically, it is relatively easy to give a name to a latent factor that is the same as an observed variable in your data file.
For example, one time I had some personality variables in a dataset and the extraversion items were called E1, E2, E3, and so on. These are common names for residuals. So when giving residuals these names, there was a conflict with the names in the data file. Another even more common cause is when you name a latent factor an appropriate name (e.g., selfesteem, extraversion, jobsatisfaction, etc.) and you have already created a scale score in your data file with the same name. This also causes the conflict.
The basic solution is just to give the variable a latent variable a unique name that doesn't conflict with one in the data file. So for example, name the variable selfesteem_factor rather than selfesteem if you already have a variable called selfesteem

Reverse coding in spss  (part 1) (part 2)

Super easy to understand - reverse coding